Navigate Change and Transition with The W.I.S.E.R. Woman’s Blog
Here I share stories, strategies and ideas with you about the journey to becoming the woman you desire and have always wanted to be.
Dare to Dance and Coffee Delights
These two short stories took about 20 minutes to create. They aren’t perfectly written but they are a testament to how powerful the written word can be when offered as a way into one’s subconscious and creative mind.
Creating Meaningful Change One Step, One Word at a Time
I made a commitment to write at least one word per day in my journal at the beginning of June - I haven’t missed a day! It’s been an interesting exercise as I’ve notoriously been a fair-weather writer, writing only when I felt like it or I’ve needed to complain about something. Hence my journal entries have been mostly a sad tale to do with weight or disappointments or failed attempts to write regularly.
Welcome Change & Transition
“When I think back to the start of W.I.S.E.R. Woman Coaching in 2016, I was anticipating retirement because I knew that it would take awhile to build a small one-woman coaching business, and I also knew that change and transition can be a challenge without a plan.”
Who do you see in the mirror?
Who was this woman standing before her in the long mirror? Her gaze fell on every part of her body. She sighed deeply, her breath stopping her tears from leaving her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. She was exhausted from wishing and hoping that this image in front of her would one day reflect who she felt she was inside. Her inside and outside had rarely matched – even the glimpses were fleeting and illusive.
The Secret Garden
She closed the car door quietly, steeling herself to focus on the next thing on her long list of “to-do’s. A sigh stopped her - it was one of those sighs that meant more than just needing to exhale.
When a Chapter Closes, Another is Written
I’ve written so much over the years about my struggle with weight, weight loss and how I’ve felt about my body. I’ve shared with you how I’ve stumbled and fallen, picked myself up, and then stumbled again, over, and over. It’s not been easy, this journey to self-love and being able to care for oneself in the way I have always wanted to. The journey’s felt never-ending, fraught with contradictory traps set by both the diet industry/culture and the anti-diet movement. It’s often felt confusing and, if I’m honest, soul destroying.
Body of Mine
Body of Mine
I’ve treated you with such disdain and little regard
And yet, here you are, still with me.
I took my pain out on you – what else was I to do?
I didn’t know how to care for you.
3 Tips to Save You From Yourself Around Food During the Holidays
Wasn’t this the year you were going to lose weight once and for all?
And here you are, struggling with the same old broken promises and challenges with food you’ve had for years – sometimes decades. Diets didn’t last long no matter how much you willed your way to staying on track. Like two children fighting, the “good” part of you lost against the sword wielding “bad” part that seems to get the better of you every time.
3 Tips to Help Your Mind & Body Through a Tough Transition
As I walk through my neighborhood these days, I’m in awe of how nature seamlessly transitions from Fall into Winter. Whipping around me as I shuffle through fallen leaves of the most amazing colours, the wind and rain have announced their arrival in full force. The trees are almost bare, and winter has all but settled in. As the days fall short, darkness envelopes us! We have been put on notice that change is in the air.
This One Tip Will Help You Create Balance in Your Mind, Body, & Soul
I’ve been lingering in the moment a lot more lately since writing about uncertainty and feeling overwhelmed. I shared HERE how uncertainty came knocking on my door and, like an unwanted guest, had no intention of leaving any time soon.
How To Stop Cravings So You Can Live Your Desires
As a child, I loved sitting with my Dad in the evenings. It was a special time we shared, just the two of us. A sweet tooth found him enjoying a cookie or two or a bar of chocolate each night and as we sat side by side, he always shared.
3 Things to Do to Live With Uncertainty Effectively
“Within the last months (and realistically maybe the last year), I’ve reluctantly attempted to make peace with uncertainty. It’s not my first rodeo living with this sense of not knowing but recent events threw my life into turmoil, and something had to be done.”
Why it's important to heal your relationship with food and your body
As a coach who helps women create a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies, I’m so glad I invested in becoming that woman myself.
When “The Last Supper” Isn’t the Last One You’ll Eat This Month
It all begins with an idea.
How Do You Know if You’re an Emotional Eater?
Someone asked me the other day how you know if you’re an emotional eater? What a great question!
Why Your Inner Child May be Keeping You Spinning Your Wheels
I’ve been spending time with my inner child lately.
Episode 2 of Why It’s Important to Heal Your Relationship with Food
In my previous post, “Why It’s Important to Heal Your Relationship with Food.”, I shared with you the journey I began in July by seeking help from a Nutritionist.