This One Tip Will Help You Create Balance in Your Mind, Body, & Soul

I’ve been lingering in the moment a lot more lately since writing about uncertainty and feeling overwhelmed.  I shared HERE how uncertainty came knocking on my door and, like an unwanted guest, had no intention of leaving any time soon. 

Months later uncertainty is still my constant companion.  Over the last months I’ve been on a roller coaster of feelings and thoughts that are all over the map.  I know I’ve been stressed and exhausted because emotional eating made a return with a vengeance.  Despite more walking and getting back to the gym after a month’s break while I was away, my body has been screaming at me to listen to her and get back to a place of peace and balance.


Practicing self-compassion where I hold the space for all my feelings and thoughts has felt so good! 

Working on changing the thoughts that

no longer serve me allows me the grace I need to face uncertainty. 

I’ve been asking myself if I’m being the woman I want to be as I continue to navigate this path more often these days.  Continuing to coach some amazing clients has helped me feel grounded throughout this time but I know there’s more to do, personally and in my coaching business. 

Woman I Want to Be

What do I want going forward and do I have the bandwidth to add anything else in as my life, knowing that uncertainty and overwhelm are still hanging around like a thick dark fog?

Asking for support from friends and family is like being given a warm winter blanket to wrap around me.  I asked for spiritual guidance and have been practicing tuning in to my intuition and spirit guides.  What a gift and comfort during these challenging times.

Spirit and Support

What else is there to create peace and balance when your world feels upside down?

I found myself drawn to the practice of Lingering

Have you ever stopped to linger for just a few moments longer as you watch the sun set, willing it to last just a little bit longer?

What about when your new grandson finally falls asleep, and you can’t help but linger another minute, mesmerized by this tiny little miracle. 

How about lingering when someone says they love you – your eyes meet and for that extra moment  you’re unable to turn away?

Lingering allows us to go deeper, sit a little longer, and be fully present in the moment.   In this week’s reflection, in For The Writer’s Soul, it’s suggested that we write about lingering: 

·         What do you notice as you linger? 

·         How deep can you go as you linger and tune into your Soul?  

·         Can you capture those moments as if taking a picture, so you can return to them as memories?    

And, for those of us who struggle with food, sit quietly in the moment – linger - before eating. 

·         Notice the food on your plate – the colours, the combinations, the textures.

·         Notice the anticipation you feel – allow your imagination to taste the flavours and savour the moment before you pick up your fork.

Linger a little longer, soften your gaze as you check in with your body. 

·         What do you notice as your attention turns to your breath? 

·         What feelings emerge as you linger just a little longer within your body? 

·         Can you feel your hunger?  Is it for food or something else, like love, energy, rest, or connection?

Balance in Life


Lingering is a simple way to bring peace and balance into your life.  If you’re living with uncertainty and overwhelm and struggling to find peace and balance with food, your body, and in life, I’m here for you!

Let’s Connect and Chat about what you need and how you too can begin to move forward as the woman you want to be! 

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this and invite you to take a moment to linger just a little bit longer:  A Thousand Years

With gratitude and love,


Joan Ridsdel

I work with women mid-life and beyond who want to create meaningful change and navigate transitions with more ease and self-compassion through 1-1 coaching and my unique combination of EFT Tapping and Therapeutic/Reflective writing.


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