In That Moment - Little Stories Worth Telling

In her book “Little Stories of Your Life-Find your voice, share your world and tell your story”, Laura Pashby blends photography with writing short stories. She encourages us to notice and write about moments, suggesting that “If we don’t see the value of tiny moments, we will miss the little stories.” (P.10) and it’s in these that we find magic, connection, who we are.

“Everyday magic will mean something different to each of us, but it’s there in the moments that are nothing and everything, all at once.” ~ Laura Pashby

Pashby’s book is gorgeous, beautifully laid out, full of inspiring photographs. She writes simply, and yet there is a magical feel to it.

Throughout the book she shares her own short stories as she outlines how to capture moments before they slip away, unwritten and untold.

This is my little story, a moment I thought worth capturing:

As I was sitting quietly yesterday writing this post and getting my newsletter ready to send out, the earth moved. It’s the third time I’ve felt her rumble since moving to British Columbia in 2004. Once she woke me up from a deep sleep as our bed rolled from side to side. It was an odd feeling, as was the one yesterday when our townhouse shook and my husband wondered if a truck had driven into us.

The shake-up was over as suddenly as it began. “Odd”, I thought. In that moment, I wasn’t scared at all and knew this wasn’t the big one we’ve all been waiting for. Thank goodness.

In that moment, my phone lit up with messages from our townhouse facebook group wondering if what we’d experienced was in fact an earthquake. I checked the news feed and sure enough mother earth rumbled near Sechelt, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake felt all the way down the coast to us.

In that moment, my thoughts turned to our family - had they felt it too? Had our grandchildren been instructed to hide under their desks at school? Do the schools still do regular earthquake drills now-a-days? (Apparently they do!)

In that moment, I connected with our eldest son and although I already knew they were ok intuitively, it was good to receive confirmation and know that the boys were safe and continuing their day at school.

Our daughter-in-law in the next municipality hadn’t felt any rumbling and was surprised to hear that we’d experienced it. I’m always amazed at how it can be pouring rain here but just a few km’s away the sun beams brightly in a clear blue sky.

In that moment, I noted that we are as prepared as we can be for the moments ahead. We have backpacks filled with emergency supplies stashed in easily accessible spots in our home and car.

I don’t wait in fear for the next earthquake or think much about the big one that’s a disaster waiting to happen. But, in that moment, as the Earth moved beneath me, I said a quiet prayer to Mother Earth thanking her for the reminder that we are guests here, blessed to be alive and safe, grateful to experience each moment, that as Pashby says “are nothing and everything, all at once”.

What are your “in that moment” stories?

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1. Empowerment Coaching 1-1 with Joan
Join me for 1-1 coaching designed to meet you where you’re at in your personal journey to resolving anxiety & stress, updating old beliefs no longer serving you, taking action to move forward, learning who you are as relationships change, navigating change and finding meaning in the messy middle, and more.

2. Tap and Write Circles Designed for Women
As an EFT tapping practitioner and therapeutic/reflective writing guide, I offer specially crafted writing circles that help you transform your stories, invite exploration into your inner world, events, challenges, beliefs and feelings, change perspectives and look at things differently. Won’t you join me?

3. Tap, Write and Transform: The W.I.S.E.R. Woman’s Journey
Coming in 2025! A 6 week Tap and Write journey designed for women who are navigating through mid-life and beyond and seeking meaningful change, clarity, calm and confidence as they explore, expand, and strengthen their inner wisdom, intuition, self-compassion, energy and self-responsibility. Get on the waitlist!

Joan Ridsdel

I work with women mid-life and beyond who want to create meaningful change and navigate transitions with more ease and self-compassion through 1-1 coaching and my unique combination of EFT Tapping and Therapeutic/Reflective writing.


“On the Brink of Everything”