Where Are You?

I really have no idea what I’m going to write about as I begin this post.  So many thoughts have been swirling around in my mind and I’m having trouble settling on one thing to focus on.  It happens apparently to all writers, and today I am at least in step with them. 

This week has been full – full of fears and worries about an election I’ve had no control over;  fears about the discord and tone set by our southern neighbor that can’t help but filter in to Canada, where I’ve always felt safe, trusting a certain level of decency around race and politics that I now worry will fade; stress about small stuff, the day-to-day stuff, that accumulates within and gets by my attention because of busyness and lack of presence. 

My home is being de-cluttered this week – closets emptied, boxes taken to the dump, couches pulled out and corners cleaned.  It’s a lot of work – good work – but takes time and energy to release the old, outdated so there’s space to breathe. 

And then, I was reminded that there’s still more work to be done at a deeper level within.  I don’t think we’re ever far from those moments of uncovering another layer and the invitation to explore the deep rivers that run through us. 

I missed sitting still with all the stress and fears this week, missed the signals that let me know I need to stop, to wrap my arms around me, to tap into where and how I’m feeling vulnerable, to listen to the whispers that come from my Spirit and those I can’t see who Guide me along the path I’ve chosen. 

My coaches remind me to “meet me where I am”. 

And so here I am, feeling the effects of losing myself for a minute, writing to get back into my body, sorting and de-cluttering the thoughts that keep me rowing upstream, that keep me stuck and searching outside myself for comfort and care. 

And here I am, now fully present and aware of this moment, pulled back into feeling grateful, compassionate for the woman I am and who I’m becoming, understanding my foibles and irritations that remind me of my perfect imperfections and the ongoing work required. 

As you read this post and check-in, what are you noticing?  How are you feeling right now?  What tells you there’s more work to do?  What do you need to de-clutter? Where are you?

Thanks for reading and if you’re inspired by these questions and would like to write more, join me in my weekly newsletter, The W.I.S.E.R. Woman’s Guide, for weekly therapeutic/reflective writing prompts and updates on what’s happening in The Tap and Write Studio. Sign up at the bottom of this page.

And, to join me for Tap and Write Circles, check out the Tap and Write Studio directly HERE.

With gratitude,


Joan Ridsdel

I work with women mid-life and beyond who want to create meaningful change and navigate transitions with more ease and self-compassion through 1-1 coaching and my unique combination of EFT Tapping and Therapeutic/Reflective writing.


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