It’s all coming together!
This feeling of butterflies in my belly today is welcome! I wasn’t sure when I decided to facilitate two sessions of what I called the “Tap and Write Circles”, or when I created the “Tap and Write Studio”, how they’d be received or whether they’d add value to the participants who joined me in my “experiment”.
Little did I know just how useful and, dare I say transformational, the two Tap and Write Circles were for the women who participated. I was grateful and humbled by their feedback and the support I received - and the invitation to do it again!
As a Generator (Human Design), there’s something about needing to wait for an invitation that at first I found frustrating. However, I realized that I receive invitations to respond all the time - and this invitation was beyond what I’d expected and dared to hope for.
Joan combines journalling with Emotional Freedom Techniques - Tapping in a new way to spark your own creativity. She uses standard tapping to invite your body to relax and your subconscious mind to open, so you can explore a personal matter of your choice. New journalling prompts appear in each session. Interesting and informative insights arise in a way that journalling alone likely would not produce. Joan creates a welcoming and open environment where sharing is easy but not required. I highly recommend Joan’s group so you can access your own profound insights to something that has been nagging at you. It is uncanny how we often have our own answers, which are mined through this gentle process. ~ Participant from August Tap and Write Circles 2024
I’ve quietly allowed myself to dream since receiving the feedback and beautiful testimonials.
What would it be like to one day host a Tap and Write Circle live in a beautiful setting where women could come together and over a day or two or even a weekend, tap and write their stories, share and learn together, enjoy good food and gentle movement, held in a space that is both beautiful and inspiring?
Would you join me?
As I pull myself back to this moment, recognizing there is much to do before my dream takes place (perhaps in a year?), I’m working on creating 4 Tap and Write Circles for October and November. I’ve been inspired from the feedback to create themes and new prompts to help participants create change and navigate transitions with more ease and self-compassion.
Are you open to something new? Willing to experience Tapping (EFT) even if you’ve never done it before or it’s not your thing? Curious about what writing in shorts segments can do to help you work through challenges, events, thoughts or limiting beliefs, even if you’re not a writer?
The Tap and Write Studio is open! Check it out HERE and if this peaks your curiosity or is of interest, let me know! Each round of Tap and Write Circles include 6-8 women - a small group to connect with!
Lighting the way. Photo taken while on Holidays 2024
Now, it’s your turn! YOUR Writing Invitation:
Sit quietly for a moment and check-in.
I invite you to brew your best cuppa and spend 15 minutes in the next few days sitting quietly by yourself while you allow yourself to dream. Look ahead - what do you see in the next days, weeks, months or even a year ahead that sparks your interest or lights your way forward?
Write in your journal about what you see or feel or notice.
If nothing comes immediately to you, don’t worry! Set an intention that going forward some ideas will present themselves to you. And then, be open and notice what happens when you release any stress you’re holding (this is where tapping could help!). Someone I know invites the Universe to positively surprise and delight her - it’s working!
Perhaps a Tap and Write Circle would tease ideas out for you? Post a reply, send me a note HERE to get in contact.
Thanks for reading!